How to dye hair 2 colors at home

Fashion connoisseurs of any type know the “segment” hairstyle. In this article, we will tell you how to dye hair 2 colors at home.

How to dye hair 2 colors at home: Bleaching

How can you miss this step when learning how to dye hair 2 colors at home? This stage is to decide whether the outstanding hair color can “pop up”. In the process of bleaching this hair, it is necessary to pay attention to the following order.

How to dye hair 2 colors at home: Bleaching
  • Step 1, you need to use a dye-developer with a dose of 10, 20, 30, 40 to choose from. Highly-recommended for you is to use only at a dose of 10, 20, not necessarily 30, 40. okay, just enough but create a super pretty ombre effect. Human hair from China will have the perfect texture for you to dye. 
  • Step 2, choose a dye with a peroxide ratio of 20 and an equivalent amount of bleach powder. Take 60g of dye auxiliaries and mix with 60g of bleach powder until the mixture thickens like thick cream.
  • Step 3, take the tail to be erased, divide it into several parts. As I am divided into 4 parts. Use clips to secure and separate sections of hair.
How to dye hair 2 colors at home
  • Step 4, use a specialized brush to apply this mixture from the ends of the hair to the position you want to bleach. If you have long hair, you should bleach the hair a little closer to the ear. Make sure to apply it evenly so that when the bleaching is complete, the boundary between the two hair colors is revealed and balanced. In addition, in about 1-2 segments around the boundary, gradually fade to create a more realistic natural effect.
  • Step 5, let the mixture soak into the hair for 10-30 minutes, then wash your hair with cool water. Remember to wash with a sulfate-free shampoo. If you want the bleached hair to be lighter, you can let the hair have more time for the drug to absorb. Remember to check your hair every 5-10 minutes.

This is the first stage on how to dye hair 2 colors at home. Next will be the dyeing stage.

How to dye hair 2 colors at home: dyeing stage

Consider that after bleaching, the hair has completed having a perfect base layer. The official dyeing step will be the last step on how to dye hair 2 colors at home.

How to dye hair 2 colors at home: dyeing stage
  • Step 1 how to dye hair 2 colors at home: Divide your hair into 4-6 equal sections. You should note that at this time, you should not use tongs to divide because it can react with the dye. At this time, use an elastic band to tie, divide the boundary of the two colors to be dyed.
  • Step 2 how to dye hair 2 colors at home: Prepare dye and mix according to instructions. You can refer to the hair dye at home to choose the right type. Mix according to the ratio specified by each company. There will be enough equipment for hair dyeing as well as specific and detailed instructions.
How to dye hair 2 colors at home: the dyeing stage
  • Step 3 how to dye hair 2 colors at home:  Apply the dye from the ends of the hair to the border of the two colors. You should also apply a lighter color at the border.
  • Step 4 how to dye hair 2 colors at home: Let the drug infuse according to its own prescribed time.
  • Step 5 how to dye hair 2 colors at home:  Also rinse with water, shampoo with sulfate-free shampoo.

Notes when learning how to dye hair 2 colors at home

Here are a few notes you should know before learning how to dye hair 2 colors at home:

Always remember to wear gloves during the procedure. 

Notes when learning how to dye hair 2 colors at home
  • In addition, it is necessary to pay close attention to the boundary of two colors to calculate the amount of bleach and dye to balance and match.
  • When dyeing, wear protective clothing to prevent the dye from coming out
  • Do not forget that the hair that wants to be dyed in this style must be very strong, before and after the dyeing process, it is necessary to pay attention to the hair care so that the hair does not become dry and frizzy.
  • Don’t dye it yourself, ask a friend to dye it for you. Should ask 2 people to make the process go faster, the hair color is more beautiful.
  • You need to prepare all the tools, read the instructions carefully before dying.
  • Use adhesive tape or cloth to cover the skin on the ears, neck, and face to avoid contact 
  • It’s a way to dye hair with 2 colors, it looks simple but it is laborious and needs to be very careful.


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